Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The difference between CRAZY and STUPID

One truck driver was doing his usual delivery to Mental Hospital.
He discovered a flat tyre when he was about to go home.
He jacked up the truck and took the flat tyre down.

When he was about to fix the spare tyre, he accidentally dropped all the bolts into the drain.

As he can't fish the bolts out, he started to panic.

One patient happened to walk past and asked the driver what happened

The driver thought to himself, since there's nothing much he can do; he told the patient the whole incident.

The patient laughed at him & said "can't even fix such a simple problem...no wonder you are destined to be a truck driver..."

Here's what you can do, take one bolt each from the other 3 tyres and fix it onto this tyre.

Then drive to the nearest workshop and replace the missing ones, easy as that"

The driver was very impressed and asked "You're so smart but why are you here at the Mental Hospital?"

Patient replied: "Hello, I stay here because I'm crazy not STUPID!"


  1. ahaha ok.. moral: orang giler tak semestinye bodo? ahah true.. coz ramai yang giler tu bijak2 sbnarnye ;p


Ada robot tak??? Setiap komen yang di tinggalkan disini akan di kunjung balas ke blog tuan-tuan sebagai tanda terima kasih... Sudi-sudilah tinggalkan komen kome kat sini ye... Terima kasih...